Until Rain

                           Between the afternoon rain, I saw

                           Something move between

                           Two brothers. Unlike

                           That of the rain. The long impassioned

                           Rain of childhood. The rain of boys


                           Jumping from puddle to puddle. Rain

                           Of tired fields, selfish

                           For the fallen fruit of heaven. Unspoken,

                           I heard it call out. I followed it.


                           I followed it from nearful cups

                           Of coffee to crystal bundled tea lights

                           Still swirling in my head. To deep

                           Brown eyes that never made contact. To


                           Sunken voices until I heard uttered

                           The long forgotten words of brotherhood that hung

                           Mid thought.

                           Mid speech

                           Mid air.


                           Until a final drop fell,

                           Until it passed.



J Nguyen Knight


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